WhatsApp is introducing the ‘Share status updates to Facebook’ feature for select beta Android users. As reported by WABetaInfo, this optional feature lets users automatically share WhatsApp status updates to their Facebook stories. Currently available to a limited number of beta testers, it streamlines posting the same status on both platforms without needing to leave the app or manually share it. For more details, read the article below.
Read More: WhatsApp is rolling out the Chat Lock feature for iOS and Android users.
Share status updates on Facebook
In a previous report, the WhatsApp news portal revealed that the Status updates feature was under development. Previously, users had to manually share their status updates on Facebook.
With the WhatsApp beta for Android update, the process is now automated, but users must enable the option within the app settings. The feature is currently available to select beta testers.
If you see a new Facebook option in the status privacy settings, it means the ability to share status updates to Facebook has been activated for your account. This feature is handy for those who frequently share status updates on their Facebook stories.
You still have complete control over which status updates are shared and with whom. While a similar feature existed before, it required users to manually share updates each time. This new automatic feature streamlines the process, saving time and making it seamless.
Notably, the option to share status updates on Facebook is optional and disabled by default, giving users control over who sees their updates.
The feature is currently available to a limited group of beta testers. To access it, install the latest WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store. If it isn’t available yet, it will be rolled out to more users in the coming days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the new ‘Share Status Updates to Facebook’ feature?
The new feature allows WhatsApp users to automatically share their status updates on Facebook stories. This eliminates the need for manual sharing, making the process faster and more seamless.
Is this feature mandatory?
No, the feature is optional and disabled by default. You can choose to enable it in the app’s settings if you wish to share your WhatsApp status updates with your Facebook audience.
How can I enable this feature?
To enable the feature, update WhatsApp to the latest beta version ( or later) from the Google Play Store. Then, navigate to your status privacy settings and enable the Facebook sharing option.
Can I control who sees my shared status updates?
Yes, you have complete control over who can see your WhatsApp status updates on both WhatsApp and Facebook. The feature allows you to customize your audience for each platform.
Is this feature available to all WhatsApp users?
Currently, this feature is only available to a limited number of beta testers. It will be gradually rolled out to more users over the coming days.
How can I get the feature if I don’t have it yet?
Make sure you have installed the latest WhatsApp beta version ( from the Google Play Store. If the feature is not yet visible, wait for further updates, as it will be rolled out to more users soon.
Will this feature save me time?
Yes, this feature saves time by automating the process of sharing updates between WhatsApp and Facebook, eliminating the need for manual sharing each time.
‘Share Status Updates to Facebook’ feature on WhatsApp offers a convenient and time-saving way to share status updates automatically across both platforms. You can fully control your audience and turn off the feature, providing flexibility and ease of use.
While currently available to select beta testers, the feature will soon be rolled out tother audienc abroade. To take advantage of this seamless integration, be sure to update to the latest WhatsApp beta version.